Federal CARES Act as it Relates to Mortgage Servicing : March 27th, the Federal Government passed a law aimed at assisting individuals and businesses during COVID-19. The law requires mortgage payment assistance or deferral for borrowers experiencing financial hardship during the COVID-19 emergency; as well as a moratorium on foreclosures.

Fannie Mae Servicing Impacts of COVID-19 : March 25th, Fannie Mae updated their guidance for those with a mortgage through Fannie Mae, these are their temporary policies to assist borrowers during COVID-19.

Freddie Mac Temporary Servicing Requirements Due to COVID-19 : March 18th, Freddie Mac updated their guidance for those with a mortgage through Feddie Mac, as it relates to servicing loans during COVID-19.

Rural Development COVID-19 Response : USDA has implemented a number of resources for those served through their programs in response to COVID-19. USDA’s Customer Service Center at 800-414-1226 (7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday-Friday)

USDA Rural Housing Loan Service Relief : March 25th, USDA released specific guidance for Rural Housing Loan borrowers


Federal CARE Act as it Relates to Evictions : March 27th, the Federal Government passed a law aimed at assisting individuals and businesses during COVID-19. The law places a moratorium on eviction filings.

Room One Housing Services : Room One resources for renters include eviction prevention, computer and printers to complete housing applications, access to all low-income housing applications and materials, information on subsidized housing options, and support in navigating housing opportunities.

Housing Authority of Okanogan County : HAOC manages income eligible apartments in the Methow Valley. For information on their response to COVID-19 please call: (509) 322 5057

Spokane Housing Ventures : Spokane Housing Ventures manages income eligible apartments in the Methow Valley. For information on their response to COVID-19 please call: (509) 996-2201


Housing Authority of Okanogan County Opens Section 8 Waitlist (in Spanish): HAOC will open the Section 8 Housing waitlist April 16th- May 29th. Applications will be accepted via US Mail, the dropbox at HAOC or via fax. PLEASE CALL 509 322 5057 FOR ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SECTION 8 HOUSING VOUCHER WAITLIST

Room One Housing Services : Connect to services for those currently, or at risk of becoming, homeless youth, young adults, adults and families.

Credit counseling resources

Federal CARE Act as it Relates to Credit Protection : March 27th, the Federal Government passed a law aimed at assisting individuals and businesses during COVID-19. The law includes credit protection to those needing to request payment assistance or deferral on loans due to COVID-19.

Protecting Your Finances During the Coronavirus Pandemic : The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is maintaining and updating resources related to protecting your finances during the coronavirus pandemic.

Additional Resources

Resources for Individuals and Families : Room One is providing critical services and maintaining resources for Individuals and Families impacted by COVID-19.

Resources for Businesses : TwispWorks is helping businesses impacted by COVID-19 by providing access to resources.