Larkspur Flats Neighborhood
Gift of Land
The Methow Conservancy has generously gifted six acres of land near the Heckendorn neighborhood in Winthrop to Methow Housing Trust (MHT), where MHT will develop a permanently affordable neighborhood. The land, currently called "Larkspur Flats," is situated below the Meadowlark Natural Area and is ideal for full-time residents who work in the Methow Valley.
Originally purchased by the Conservancy in 2018, the property was intended to support community needs. Now, this donation addresses the Valley’s pressing demand for local, affordable housing. The Methow Housing Trust will manage planning and development, drawing on their experience to create a neighborhood that serves our local workforce. With more than 60 households currently waiting, the need for affordable housing is critical, and this generous donation from the Methow Conservancy marks an exciting step forward for the community.

Photos courtesy of the Methow Conservancy and Benj Drummond
Opportunities for Public Input
Annexation Process (November 2024 - Q1 2025): This is process is facilitated by Winthrop Town Council and evaluates the appropriateness of annexing the 6 Larkspur acres into Town. The Council will deliberate the merits of the proposal relative to the goals of the Town, including the Affordable Housing Emergency Declaration, community safety and connectivity goals and availability of town infrastructure resources (water and sewer, which we’ve already established exist). There will be up to three Town Council meetings where MHT’s request is considered, the final meeting will include public comment. MHT completed a pre-development due diligence process with the Town Planner and Public Works Director to determine the ability to build up to 30 housing units, and this process will bring the Council and community members up to speed on those outcomes.
Planned Development Pre-approval Process (2025): This is when the developer (MHT) presents a plan for the neighborhood (number and location of housing units, roads, utility specs, open space and trail plans). This process is driven by codes and standards at the Town and State level, and the developer must meet these codes and requirements to be pre-approved to begin infrastructure development. There is a public comment meeting, facilitated by the Planning Commission. At this time, MHT will be providing a planned development proposal that addresses density, road standards, safety and traffic flow, conservation considerations and benefits to the community given current demand for affordable housing for locals.